knowledgeable - knows many things, reliable - others can trust or depend on him/her, responsible - sensible, trustworthy and is able to make good judgements, discplined - obeys rules and controls his/her behaviour, good-tempered - doesn't get angry very easily, organised - has everything arranged in an orderly way, talented - has a special talent/strength, careful - doesn't make mistakes easily, cheerful - always smiles, helpful - likes helping others, skilful - good at doing something that required a special ability or training, confident - believes that he/she is able to do things well, independent - able to do things on his/her own, without help from others, efficient - works well without wasting time, energy or money, patient - able to accept difficulties without becoming angry, diligent - works hard and is careful and thorough, inteliigent - good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly, caring - thinks about what other people need and tries to help them, easy-going - doesn't get angry, upset or worried easily, hard-working - puts a lot of effort into his/her work,

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