Quickly  - Please pack your bag q_ _ _ k _ y; we don't want to miss the flight. , Secretly - She s _ c _ _ tly snuck out of the house without her parents' permission. , Beautifully - She danced ballet b _ _ _ ti_ u_ly. , Angrily - My teacher yelled _n_r_l_ at the naughty boy. , Clearly - I can see c _ e_ r_y . I do not need my glasses. , Nearly - A trekker n_ _ r_y fell into a hole that some hunters dug. , Happily - She smiled h _ p_i_ y , the moment she received her birthday gift. , Partially - The moon was only p _ r _ i_l_y visible because of the clouds. , Generously - He donated g_n_r_u_l_ to the poor. He is a very giving person. , Cleverly - The criminal _lev_ _ly disguised himself as an old man. ,




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