1) Miss Wong likes swimming ___ she doesn't like ice-skating.  a) but b) or c) and 2) Helen likes dogs ___ rabbits. a) but b) or c) and 3) Potato chips are yummy ___ unhealthy. a) but b) or c) and 4) Daniel likes Chinese ____ English.  a) but b) or c) and 5) I cannot sing _______ play the piano.  a) or b) and c) but 6) Bob can't eat eggs ______ nuts. a) but b) and c) or 7) Lucas can run ___ jump.  a) but b) or c) and 8) Sophia like ice cream ___ she doesn't like vegetables. a) or b) and c) but 9) Amy does not watch TV _______ read books. a) and b) or c) but 10) Benson can water the plants ___ he can't cook. a) but b) and c) or

Conjunction - but / and / or




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