1) There ________________________milk. a) isn't any b) is some c) aren't any d) are a lot of 2) The ______________________ cheese. a) is some b) is a lot of c) are sone d) are a lot of 3) There _________________________ bread. a) isn't any b) are some c) aren't any d) is some 4) There ____________________ potatoes. a) is some b) is a lot of c) are some d) are a lot of 5) There _______________________ tomatoes. a) is some b) are some c) aren't any d) isn't any 6) There _______________________ soup. a) is some b) is any c) are some d) are any 7) There _____________________ noodles. a) is some b) is any c) are a lot of d) are any 8) There ______________________ coffee. a) is any b) is some c) are any d) isn't any

GB Unit 3_some, a lot of , any




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